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will it ever come for iphone/ ios? Cant run the game properly from the website :( 

is there a way for you to add card payment? my paypal doesnt work with itch for some reason

What's the password 

it can be found on patreon

Where at

read any of the recent versions post
try the most recent one as of the writing of this comment 0.13

Will the Spanish translation be in the final version? or how it will be. 

I'm currently evaluating if the spanish version will be included 


so is .09 like an actual update?? These updates arecoming out quickkkkk

yes it's the latest one so far
also yeah thanks, trying to keep it consistent


Cannot wait for the next update, shows promise


This game looks great! I'm excited to see where this goe


Amazing game. Looking forward to seeing what happens next


an underrated game